Friday, 31 October 2008

International Competition 1st November 2008

Saturday 1st November 2008 is an exciting date in the Bethnal Green weightlifting calender as some of their finest will be matched off against a German team in the Bethanl Green Gym.

Good Luck, and thanks to the helpers, the refs and the coaches who made this all possible. Watch out for "pics and clips"

Sunday, 19 October 2008


Access to this club is through the adult education services of Tower Hamlets.

Basically you join an evening adult education course at a discounted and funded rate.

Heres the link to the learning ladder website

If you want to check out the venue, staff, facilities, or ask some questions, you can pop down to the gym, thats in the grounds of the Bethnal Green Centre : try evening times, 6.30 to 7.30pm, Monday to Thursday.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

recent competition success

heres Ben lifting at a recent competition